Josh Fechter

Josh is the founder of Technical Writer HQ and Squibler, a writing software. He had his first job in technical writing for a video editing software company in 2014. Since then, he has written several books on software documentation, personal branding, and computer hacking. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.

7 UX Writer Interview Questions and Answers

UX writers deal in microcopies and design. Their mandatory work responsibility is to analyze how they influence the users in digital workspaces. Good UX writers have exceptional portfolios. Exceptional portfolios are a privilege to secure better positions and prosper careers. But, as a newbie, it is relatively difficult to secure a job without a portfolio. So, what should you do as a UX writer newbie in such cases? Apart from...

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What is Document Version Control?

You’ve finally finished that all-day report you’ve been working on, only to discover that the document you were working on wasn’t the most recent version. At best, you’re irritated; at worst, you’ve missed a deadline and jeopardized the company’s reputation. This is where document version control comes into play. But what exactly is version control, and how can it help you and your employees? If you’re interested in learning more...

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What is Document Management?

Document management is the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information captured through the use of a document storage solution. It is how your organization stores, manages and tracks its electronic documents. We can also define document management as the software that controls and organizes documents throughout an organization. It incorporates document and content capture, workflow, document...

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What Does a Content Designer Do?

A content designer is responsible for infusing digital products with meaningful content so that users have an easier time using the products and an overall satisfactory experience. Content designers collaborate with UX writers, product developers, graphic designers, and managers to ensure that the digital product has the necessary content at the right places and creates more value for the user. Content designers can work on websites, mobile and desktop applications,...

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What Does a Pharmaceutical Technical Writer Do?

A pharmaceutical technical writer prepares medical documentation such as instruction guides, precautions for medications, manuals, and reference guides. Pharmaceutical technical writing is a specialized field. It requires much more attention to prepare pharmaceutical documentation in comparison to writing any generic SOP document. In usual circumstances, chemists find it challenging to write tech documentation, and the same is the case with biologists and microbiologists. The dire requirement of medical documentation mirrors...

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What is the UX Writer Career Path?

UX writing is a fast-paced field full of exciting turns and twists with a successful career path. Perhaps you’re here because you’re a fresh graduate looking to dive straight into UX writing. Or maybe you are transitioning from a completely different role to UX writing. We have got a well-researched article for you on the career path of a UX writer. As user experience jumped in since the last decade,...

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Best Business Writing Skills 2024

Business professionals send emails, write reports, and compose proposals. These communication channels serve far better and more effectively when one has mastered business writing skills. A business writing document is a resolute piece of information that you use to deliver information to the reader concisely and effectively. Good business writing is a fundamental aspect of clear and effective communication in a business. Moreover, effective communication leads to self-realization and enhances...

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What Does a Google UX Writer Do?

A Google UX writer works to draft content that compliments the design and enhances the user’s experience by writing a copy that assists users in completing their tasks.   According to Google Careers, UX writers at Google use their words to acclaim the app design, so it results in a delightful customer experience. These words by UX writers help customers to fulfill their goals.   UX writers at google work collaboratively with...

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What is HR Document Management?

HR document management is the standardized and systematic management of all documents related to the Human Resource or HR department. HR document management ensures that approved document management standards are followed for document creation, review,  modification, issuance, and distribution. It also ensures that documents are stored safely and can be located and accessed easily when required, and proper security protocols are followed for preventing unauthorized access to sensitive documents and...

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What is Github Document Management?

Github document management refers to the management of documentation for software projects that are created and hosted on Github. You can use Github for private or open-source document management. What is Github? Github is a website that you can use to host the code for your software projects. To understand how it works, let’s look at an example. Let’s say you want to build software or an app. Your team...

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What Does a Document Manager Do?

A document manager heads the document management department at a company. As a document manager, you would lead the document management team, hire and train team members, oversee the development of company-wide document management systems, select tools for digital document management, and ensure company-wide compliance with approved document management processes. Members of your team would be responsible for document management of specific departments and projects. However, as a document manager,...

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What is Document Management Software Workflow?

Document management software workflow refers to the use of automated document workflows that are implemented through the use of specialized document management software. These workflows automate the collection, storage, management, editing, removal, and categorization of documents within an organization. What is the Workflow for Document Management in SaaS? Document management software workflow refers to the use of a system for the management of organizational documents for software as a service...

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UX Writer vs Copywriter: What’s the Difference?

People often confuse a UX writer with a copywriter. These two are two different writing categories. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and major tech companies have defined separate departments for UX writers and separate for copywriters. But what are these writers doing? How are they different from each other? Is UX writing a skill worth learning and enough to carry as a full-time career? UX is an advanced form of technical writing...

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Best UX Writer Skills in 2024

UX writing skill is often confused with copywriting. Copywriting is associated with marketing, while UX writing originates from UX design to enhance user experience. UX writing is a narrower field with a focused goal to improve user experience. A UX writer drafts error messages, product guidelines, and in-app texts. They are also responsible to coordinate with UX designers and make the overall experience seamless for product consumers. If you’re interested...

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What is Document Control Numbering?

Document control numbering is the use of a system for document numbering that allows you to create, store and then access documents in an organized manner. If you’re interested in learning more via video, then watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead. A Simple Document Numbering System The simplest form of a document numbering system is the file and folder names that we use on a daily basis. The purpose of the...

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What is Product Documentation?

Product documentation is the documentation that comes along with a product. This documentation contains the details of the product’s work, guidelines to use it, disclaimers, and other important details related to a product. Product documentation is a broad term and is not just meant for consumers’ use. Product documentation also covers the information for a product or service for internal organizational use. These documentation files include the product design, logic,...

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What is a Knowledge Base?

A knowledge base (KB) is a platform or a repository that stores information for customers’ use. The information provides answers to frequently asked questions, tutorials, troubleshooting solution guides, how-to articles, and instruction manuals. A business carries tons loads of information that a customer may require. It is tiresome to answer the same queries to the customers over and over again. In the meantime, good customer support and user experience are...

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How to Become a UX Writer without Experience

UX writing is a booming writing field. Did you notice how we can purchase groceries at home with online applications, communicate directly with equipment and machines and submit online cheques through digital platforms? Well, the words that appear on the screen serve as a great guide for you to perform these actions. UX writers write these screen texts and guides that allow you to navigate and perform an operation successfully....

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What is the Average UX Writer Salary?

A UX writer has an average annual income of $112,726 in the USA, according to Glassdoor. However, the UX writer salary varies according to the designation and the candidate’s experience. On a global level, a UX writer currently earns an average of $65k per year. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, UX writing is a complex field and falls under the technical writing category. Therefore, a UX writer earns more...

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What is Information Architecture?

A clean and arranged room is comfortable to live in. Similarly, a house looks clean when it is built on an architectural design. The arrangement is not just limited to practical life things. Organization and arrangement are necessary in the digital world. Digital information serves its purpose well when it’s organized in a readable manner. If you love to organize and arrange things around you and on your computer as...

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What is Document Control?

You’ve stumbled onto a document and aren’t sure if it’s the most recent version? Inquiring minds want to know if the document you’ve stumbled onto is valid and up to date. This blog post describes document control and how it helps you and your team trust the documents you work with. What is Document Control? Document control is a document management profession whose purpose is to enforce controlled processes and...

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What is the Average Document Control Manager Salary?

This article will discuss the various factors that determine how much a document control manager earns.  Let’s get started. Career Outlook for a Document Control Manager With some years of professional experience under their belt, document control managers can move forward to more serious roles. For example, they can progress towards a document controller role or become a document control specialist. After some more years in the role and managing...

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What Does a Document Control Coordinator Do?

A document control coordinator ensures that organizational documents are prepared, maintained, distributed, updated, and stored according to the organization’s document management standards. A document control coordinator is usually responsible for the documents related to a project or a department within an organization. Hundreds and even thousands of documents are generated in organizations every day. Without proper document control and management procedures, organizations may Lose or find it hard to track...

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Best Business Writing Tips in 2024

Business writing is a fundamental aspect of written communication in organizations. Schools and colleges are great for learning academic writing, but these institutes do not teach business writing skills. Whether you are a business student or not, you write emails, letters, and reports to communicate with work employees, customers, and investors. Hence, a worker must have good business writing skills. Good business writing skills are an asset that opens chances...

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What is Confluence Document Management?

Confluence Document Management refers to the use of Confluence for the computerized management of all types of documents including policies, manuals, presentations, and more. Confluence is a team workspace developed by Atlassian, an Australian software company. Confluence has many built-in features, and you can add additional features through 3000+ apps that are available on the Atlassian marketplace. Why Confluence? Confluence allows you to create a knowledge base for all your...

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Best Process Documentation Templates

Business processes and work operations take place daily in organizations. As the word “Organization” itself carries the word “organize”, you can imagine how the steps for a specific business process should be carried out in a sequence. This work arrangement is established through pre-defined outlines and document templates. When it comes to business processes, all steps of those operations are written and arranged in a detailed report. This process preservation...

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Best Business Writing Classes Online 2024

Clear communication and professionalism are a key to success in the business world. Business meetings, discussions, presentations, reports, each business process when done professionally brings fruits to the table. This clear and concise communication in a business is achieved with good business writing skills. Business professionals use effective business writing techniques to communicate with potential customers and to present business ideas to investors. Business writing is not simple ghostwriting, and...

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What is the Technical Writer Career Path?

Technical writing is a great opportunity to write and earn well, but only if you can keep the required skills up to date. As the world is evolving, so is the technical writing industry. This means that if you are a technical writer, make sure that you can keep yourself up to date with its terms and regulations. If you do so, there’s no doubt that you will land a...

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4 Types of Business Writing that Matter

Business writing varies on the basis of intentions and thus business documents differ in type. For example, a report shows progress on a certain operation, and an instruction guide provides instructions for a specific process. All business documents are not written in the same tone. A specific writing style is adapted as per the requirements and objectives of a business document. Business writing is a method of writing to professionally...

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Best Business Writing Books 2024

If you are a business employee, you write to communicate. You use communication channels, including text messages, emails, newsletters, reports, memos, and proposals. But writing in the business world demands different skills—skills not necessarily learned in school. So, how do you go from a blank page to writing and communicating effectively and clearly? Business writing books help greatly in achieving effective communication by establishing good business writing skills. What are...

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11 Best Grant Writing Classes 2024: Reviews and Pricing

The competition for grant money is fierce. With so many nonprofit organizations vying for each pot of funding, it’s essential to have a competitive edge to get the grant you need. One way to bolster your chances of success is by enrolling in one or more grant writing classes. Do you want to learn how to start writing more effective grant proposals? If yes, then this is the article for...

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How to Write a Great Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Although your grant proposal cover letter isn’t the most exciting part of the grant proposal, it’s still vital to get funding. The cover letter is the first contact point a potential organization or funder will have with your nonprofit project. It’s like going out on a date. Sure, looks aren’t everything. Nevertheless, if you utterly don’t care about how you dress, you’re making it harder for yourself. And just like...

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What is the Average Technical Writer Salary?

The technical writer salary range in the US, according to estimates from Glassdoor, is $43,000 to $106,000. According to salary data from Zippia, the national average salary for a technical writer has risen from $56,500 in 2014 to $65,300 in 2023. The salary estimates vary depending on a number of factors such as experience, education, location and industry. The annual growth rate for technical writer jobs is approximately 8%. The...

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What Does a Technical Writer Do?

A technical writer writes company documents such as instruction manuals, intermediate to end-user manuals, reference guides, operating procedure guides, white papers, and specialized product descriptions. Writers can work as documentation specialists, creating and updating company paperwork related to training and developing technical staff.   Technical writers may also write journal articles, occupational outlook handbooks, and other high-quality documentation, depending on their specific area of expertise.  Almost all the current global industries...

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What is a Technical Writer? Definition + Examples

Turning basic technical information into valuable technical content requires a broad set of skills. Professionals looking to make a career out of this would usually become technical content writers. However, the job description has diversified a lot. It brings up what a technical writer is in this day and age and some professional examples of the technical writer.  Despite being more complex than in the past, the technical writer’s job...

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How to Write a Technical Writer Resume [+Examples]

Interested in learning how to write and format your technical writer resume? You may have excellent writing skills and have helped companies in managing their documentation. You apply to different technical content writer jobs but receive no response. Then you take a glance at your resume format and realize it’s 2 pages long. And you know hiring managers toss out two-page resumes right away. So you sit down to write...

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5 Types of Technical Writing

From detail-oriented technical reports to extensively researched white papers, the examples of technical writing span dozens of industries and operations.  Additionally, this genre of content is so commonplace that we all come across several types of technical documents at every step of our life and career. It’s an expansive field, filled with countless niches of its own. However, for the sake of clarity, here are the 5 most prevalent types...

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What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is one of those in-demand hard skills that will always stay relevant. From people who need help with their gadgets to engineers who need assistance with using industrial-scale machines – technical documents help everyone digest complex information. Regardless of who the audience is, technical information isn’t always so easy to comprehend. To that end, subject matter experts work to distill all that information into easy-to-understand content, which falls...

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How to Write Software Documentation in 7 Simple Steps

If you want to launch a software product from scratch and guide users to adopt it, then you’ll face challenging and unpredictable variables. The concept of software documentation emerged to keep everyone on the same page and make an otherwise overwhelming journey easier to navigate. Software development teams, testers, and users alike (and everyone else related to the project) need some guidance to help them with their goals. With adequate...

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How to Become a Technical Writer without Experience

If you enjoy writing about technical subjects and have a knack for condensing complex information, a career in technical writing might be for you. As a growing field, the demand for technical writers is at an all-time high. If you’re interested in this career path and would like to know how to become a technical writer, keep reading. In this guide, we’ll provide a crash course on becoming a great...

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Best Grant Proposal Budget Template to Win Grants

People creating a grant proposal often mistake the grant proposal budget for the organization’s operating budget. The operating budget details the expected income and expenses for the upcoming year, including direct and indirect costs. Grant budget ties to the funding project’s cost and the exact time the grant covers. Since the goal of a grant budget is to accurately outline the project’s benefits, research, and cost, people usually use a...

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12 Technical Writer Interview Questions and Answers

Technical writing demands an appropriate balance of practical experience, qualifications, and the right skill set. Recruiters often find it difficult to find a candidate who ticks all the boxes. To filter away unfit candidates, they leverage tricky technical writer interview questions. Apart from any preliminary assessment, the job interview can make or break a candidate’s shot at being hired. If you’re a job seeker with an interview lined up (or...

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What is Freelance Technical Writing? 

Technical writing is a complicated career that may be considered a step above content marketing and copywriting. Content writers tend to write straightforward content, while technical writers tend to write more technical content. In any case, the increasing demand for such technical content has given rise to freelance technical writing.  While freelancing has been a thing for a while, the demand for freelance technical content writers has only started to...

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What Does a Technical Writer Intern Do? 

Technical writing is a complex field that can require years of experience. That kind of experience is necessary for the industry you’re in and for your writing skills. The best way to start your technical writing career is to take up a technical writer intern job to learn the fundamentals.  However, to become a technical writer intern, you must have developed your writing and communication skills. As a technical writer...

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How to Write API Documentation in 6 Simple Steps

You tap on your smartphone’s weather app, and a few seconds later, you see the latest weather updates for your location. The smartphone weather app does not store the weather data, nor does your smartphone. So, where did the weather data come from? The ride-hailing apps you use do not have real-time location tracking systems. But whenever you enter a destination on Uber or Lyft, a few seconds later, you...

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How to Write a Technical Writer Cover Letter

Technical Writer HQ’s career guides help you step forward into a technical writing career. This article contains the best method to create a compelling technical writer’s cover letter. In the end, you will find some examples and a template for you to start.  What is a Technical Writer Cover Letter? A technical writer’s cover letter is a fundamental tool that strengthens your overall job application by showcasing your ability to...

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8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You 

As a technical writer, you may end up being confused about your job description because each industry and organization can have varying duties for you. At times, they may ask for something you’ve never written before. In that case, you can consider checking out some technical writing examples to get you started.  If you’re beginning your technical writing career, it’s advisable to go over several technical writing examples to make...

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What Does an Entry-level Technical Writer Do?

Every organization requires a bridge that connects its technical staff to its consumers – a technically sound person who can unpack intricacies into simpler terms. This job requires an entry-level technical writer who can help them attain consistency, accuracy, and clarity within the organization – and beyond. In this article, you’ll learn the day-to-day tasks of an entry-level technical writer and the skills they require to perform their duties. Furthermore,...

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What Does a Remote Technical Writer Do?

Over the past couple of decades, the demand for experienced technical writing professionals has increased substantially. Thanks to cutting-edge team collaboration tools, technical writers can work from any corner of the world. Today, you can easily find employment as a remote technical writer. However, “remote technical writer” is a broad term. To understand what remote technical writer jobs entail, we’ll have to take a closer look from a general perspective...

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Technical Writer Job Description Examples: Roles and Responsibilities

Are you looking for technical writer job description examples? Then you came to the right place. But do you know what technical writer duties are? Technical writers create technical documentation, including user documentation, how-to guides, integration guides, computer systems operation guides, and product specifications that increase the experience for the digital platform. They work with other technical experts, such as engineers and software developers, to ensure that the information they...

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Essential Technical Writing Skills [2024]

Technical writing skills are constantly changing with the growing needs and demands of technology. The ability to identify the exact skills that can help you advance in your technical writing career is difficult. That’s why, in this article, we will discuss the top in-demand technical skills, what they entail, and how to hone them in 2024. If you’re interested in learning more via video, then watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead....

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6 Best API Documentation Software Tools 2024: Reviews and Pricing

Having a set of documents that describe your API is invaluable, especially if you have created it with a diverse audience in mind. However, because APIs are complex technical products, they require more than just a spec sheet to describe them. That’s where API management tools and documentation software come in. In covering API management tools and documentation systems, this article will go over the top 6 API documentation software...

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6 Best Knowledge Base Software 2024: Reviews and Pricing

Technical writing tends to provide you with the relevant content for your product or service; however, there’s always the question of getting that content to the people. That’s where a knowledge base software comes in. Knowledge management software is an easy way to bring all your technical documentation and content in one place. Today, using the best knowledge base software has become a necessity rather than an option. Like any...

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6 Good Documentation Practices in 2024

Technical documentation requires years of experience and expertise on the subject matter, especially if you’re working in complex fields like industrial, medical, computer science, and other similar industries. That’s why you need to follow good documentation practices. There’s a difference between best practices for technical writing and good documentation practices. Understanding that difference as a technical writer is crucial because it will help you develop better technical documentation. In any...

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What Does a Proposal Writer Do?

A proposal writer takes a client’s needs and puts them into a document. The proposal’s goal is to give the client everything they need to decide about doing business with you. This means that proposals must be detailed, clear, concise, persuasive, and professional while still being attractive and easy to read. The job description includes being good at wordsmithing and having excellent time management skills, too. That’s because these projects...

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What Does a Medical Writer Do?

A medical writer combines their knowledge of health matters with research to write accurate documents clear to readers without a medical background. Medical writing includes medical communication and preparing medical education materials such as journal articles, clinical study reports, book chapters, and patient leaflets. This article discusses what it takes to become a professional medical writer – from education requirements and work experience to salary expectations. If you’re interested in...

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What Does an RFP Proposal Writer Do?

To ensure they get the grant, companies and nonprofits hire RFP proposal writers to help with development. Since they get a single shot at business altering grants, propositions need to cover all the necessary conditions and present the company’s case in the correct light.  As such, proposal writing services and proposal management professionals are in high demand. But the RFP process requires more than writing. The article will explore what...

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11 Common Proposal Writer Interview Questions & Answers

The main reason proposals fail is the wrong approach (73%), so employers will pay extra attention when hiring proposal writers. The way you approach the job reflects how you approach work as a proposal writer. These are some of the most common proposal writer interview questions an employer might use as an assessment tool when conducting a proposal writer interview. Although every company has a unique interview process, they will...

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What Does a Freelance Proposal Writer Do?

Similar to freelance technical writing, there’s a rise in popularity for freelance proposal writers.  It’s simpler for companies to hire a freelancer, it’s cheaper, and usually, they get the same results. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to start as a freelance grant writer. There are a lot of proposals writers with extensive experience, so you need to be at the top of your game. Furthermore, as a freelancer, you...

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Technical Writer Education Requirements

A technical writer takes complex and technical information and presents it in a user-friendly, comprehensive manner. In their role, a technical writer communicates information in many different formats such as manuals, guides, online documentation, social media, and more. Education Requirements Technical writers—also called technical communicators—come from a range of professional backgrounds. If you’re interested in learning about the education requirements to become a technical writer via video, then watch below....

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What Does a Financial Writer Do?

A financial writer creates content related to accounting, money, budgeting, the stock market, and the world of finance. Financial writers play an essential role in the financial sector and guide audiences toward important financial decisions. The Role of a Financial Writer A financial writer drafts informative and engaging content for the finance market. That sector includes financial planning, personal finance, or financial services. While researching finance, money, and the market,...

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What Does a Legal Writer Do?

A legal writer creates contracts, agreements, memoranda, and other documents that need legal terminology. They may write for legal firms, law firm websites, or work as a freelancer to build a legal background. As a legal writer, you research, draft, and edit content for and about the legal industry. A legal writer must analyze their target audience and tailor their legal document or publication to them. Legal writing involves having...

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What Does a Remote Proposal Writer Do?

According to Statista, before 2020, only 17% of the American workforce worked remotely for five or more days per week. As of 2020, that percentage rose to 44%. Fortunately, the shift didn’t affect the need for proposal writers. Startups and businesses worldwide need capable writers to help write proposals and score either business deals or grants. Since proposal writers rely on more than writing to get their job done, remote...

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What is the Average Proposal Writer Salary?

Whether you’re just starting out as a proposal writer or have experience under your belt, you want to land a job that pays an impressive proposal writer salary. According to popular salary reporting platforms Glassdoor, the proposal writer’s salary lies between the $37,000 and $151,000 range. Although it’s normal to accept lower-paying jobs earlier in your career path, as you build experience, you’ll seek job opportunities with a higher base salary. Remember...

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What Does an Associate Technical Writer Do?

Starting as a technical writer can be difficult. Although you have writing experience and job alerts ready on several job-seeking platforms, it can be daunting to land that initial opportunity. Fortunately, many employers seek associate technical writers to help with daily tasks and work. Although the average salary and other pay factors might be lower compared to different job positions, it’s a fantastic way for writers to kickstart their careers....

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Proposal Writer Job Description Examples

Are you looking for proposal writer job description examples? Then you came to the right place. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the proposal writer’s requirements and responsibilities in different industries. We’ll also discuss some of the key skills and attributes that make successful proposal writers stand out from the crowd. So if you’re curious about what goes into this exciting career field, read on. Proposal writing is...

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What is the Proposal Writer Career Path?

There are multiple roads in a proposal writer’s career path. The article provides a detailed explanation of the proposal writer’s career path so you don’t stray from the most optimal road for you. We start with responsibilities and finish with opportunities that will arise as you progress to higher positions, such as proposal specialist, coordinator, or proposal manager. If you’re interested in learning more via video, then watch the video...

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What Does a Government Proposal Writer Do?

A government proposal writer is a document specialist who helps gather the required documentation to help write the proposal that serves as a “sales pitch.” But proposal writing isn’t merely convincing a state or federal government to provide funding. The services include deep research, development, writing, and editing. In some cases, an organization will hire an agency to collect documents and create the proposal. But if you can’t cover the...

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How to Write a Grant Proposal in 8 Steps

Finding a genuine grant is challenging in its own right. Once you find a couple of grants, you need to write a grant proposal to get the funding. You’ll likely get only one shot at a grant application. If you fail, it’s back to grant scavenging. Writing a grant proposal that reflects your project statement, objectives, and mission but also clearly defines funding reasons is the key to getting the...

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Software Engineer to Technical Writer: How to Transition

A software engineer might start technical writing as a side job since many companies require technical documentation. If you’re a software engineer enjoying technical writing and are thinking of transitioning full-time, this article has everything you need. If you’re interested in learning via video then watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead. How to Transition to a Technical Writing Career? When you start the transition to technical writing, constant writing can be...

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What Does a Documentation Manager Do?

A documentation manager is the leader of the documentation team at a company. Documentation managers oversee the company’s technical documents to ensure a cohesive voice representing the company and its message. As a documentation manager, you would be responsible for creating, maintaining, and releasing company documents as well as filing and storage. In addition to working to ensure compliance, a document manager is in charge of creating templates, drafting style...

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What Does an API Technical Writer Do?

An application programming interface (API) technical writer creates documents that explain how an API works, makes arguments for its usage and helps promote functional programs. An API technical writer’s audience includes programmers, developers, system designers, and system architects. API technical writers develop documents containing code samples, use cases, authentications, and other resources. In their role, a technical writer helps developers plan, design, and build features. API technical writers make arguments...

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What Does a Technical Writer Editor Do?

Many technical writers look to step up in their careers. Most of them do it in one of three ways: hunt for promotion inside a company, move on as freelance writers or start their own technical writing company. But in almost all cases, the natural next step for a technical writer is to become a technical writer-editor. While technical writers hone their scientific writing skills, technical editors need to take...

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Copywriter vs Technical Writer: What’s the Difference?

In business and marketing, there’s no shortage of writing professions that you can apply for. But it’s because of the vast possibilities that young writers don’t know where to start. Do they want to focus on technical writing or copywriting? Or maybe someone wants to be a full-time marketing writer and a part-time technical writer? Finally, what’s the difference? There are more registered copywriters in the U.S. (131,200) than registered...

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What Does an Oracle Technical Writer Do?

An Oracle technical writer creates copies that inform end-users and coworkers who lack tech knowledge about the company’s current and new technologies. Instead of relying solely on advantages, they explain challenging tech aspects that are practical and useful to the user. Meaning, while a technical writer doesn’t need to explain how a product works, they need to explain how a user can get the most out of the product. Depending...

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What Does a Salesforce Technical Writer Do?

 A Salesforce technical writer creates copies that explain how Salesforce’s customer relationship management software works. But besides presenting the product to end-users, technical writers also have other responsibilities. The article will explore what a technical writer does at Salesforce, the benefits, the average salary, and what it takes to become a Salesforce technical writer. Let’s start. What Does a Salesforce Technical Writer Do? A Salesforce technical writer writes copies that...

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What Does a Software Technical Writer Do?

A software technical writer creates documents to describe how to set up and use software products. Software technical writers make user guides, setup instructions, instruction manuals, online training material, release notes, new feature documents, how-to guides, and quick reference articles. Most software technical writers work for a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company. A SaaS company creates applications that update through new plug-in releases and cloud services. Software technical writers must document software...

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What Does a LinkedIn Technical Writer Do?

As a LinkedIn technical writer, you’ll work for an online professional business network leader. Since LinkedIn is a business platform, you’ll be responsible for creating content that helps employers and job-seekers use LinkedIn more effectively. But what does it take to land a job as a LinkedIn technical writer and what are your responsibilities? What Does a LinkedIn Technical Writer Do? A LinkedIn technical writer writes technical documents for internal...

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What Does an Apple Technical Writer Do?

An Apple technical writer writes internal facing and external documentation to help simplify complex subjects for end users. In doing so, they make the products easier to understand and use for everyday consumers while also enabling engineers to better understand how to build such products. Apple Technical Writer Role An Apple technical writer has two general audience types. The first one is coworkers, and the second one is end-users. From...

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What Does an Amazon Technical Writer Do?

An Amazon technical writer creates content that informs customers about Amazon services. The content you write as a technical writer at Amazon isn’t for marketing. Instead of creating content that sells, you create content that informs customers. It’s easy to understand how to use Amazon on the surface. Users create an account and list a product they want to sell or buy. But it’s far more complex once the customer...

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What is the Average Entry-Level Technical Writer Salary?

An entry-level technical writer makes the best use of their writing skills and technical knowledge to create easy-to-understand copies and descriptions of a product. According to popular salary reporting platforms Glassdoor, the average entry-level technical writer’s salary lies between the $46,000 and $133,000 range. Although they have fewer responsibilities than a seasoned technical writer, entry-level technical writers perform similar tasks, such as: Write instruction manuals Convey technical information such as...

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What is Technical Documentation?

Well-written technical documentation encompasses articulated and straightforward technical user guides. Technical documents explain the functionality of a product in simple terms. Writing technical documentation requires product understanding and user feedback. Many aspects involved in technical documents are exhaustive and involve intricate details. What are Technical Documents? These documents describe the functionalities and features of a product. Ideally, a writer creates technical documentation for the software product development and engineering industry....

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Best Document Control Software 2024: Reviews and Pricing

Document management software is increasing in popularity. More and more companies are going paperless, and since remote work experienced a 159% growth over the last decade, there’s little need for filing cabinets. Besides making document management more straightforward, critical documents are safer in their digital safe. With access control, companies efficiently manage who has access to sensitive data. Additional features such as a collaboration tool and the customizable workflows possibility...

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What is a Technical Requirement Document?

A technical requirement document concisely conveys the development workflow of a product. Every aspect of a technical writer’s involvement, from basic design to execution, reflects through the document. Read on to discover the tools, process, and importance of writing a technical specification document. If you’re interested in learning more via video, then watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead. What is a Technical Requirement Document? A technical requirement document consolidates the entire...

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What Does a Senior Technical Writer Do?

A senior technical writer leads documentation practices at a company, often for specific product verticals or even a product portfolio. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a technical writer? Do you think of someone who offers technical support or someone who writes technical articles? Well, a senior technical writer can juggle both. A technical writer can use any medium that best facilitates...

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10 Essential Grant Writing Skills 2024

Grant writing is a creative and multi-faceted field. It requires constant self-development and improvement to write with the kind of flow one needs to complete the process successfully. Your education counts, but your business acumen and professional training are what set you apart from the rest. We wrote this article that addresses the grant writing skills necessary for success in winning grants. In brief, there are a total of 10...

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6 Best Grant Writing Books 2024

Writing a successful grant proposal isn’t easy. It takes research, creativity, and precision to craft the perfect document for prospective donors to accept. The good news is that there are some great resources to help you with the process.  In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 6 of the best grant writing books for 2024, so you can learn how to write proposals that get funded.  The Only...

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8 Best Grant Writing Templates that Win Grants

Do you need help writing an effective grant proposal? If so, then you are in luck.  This blog post is designed to give you a general walk-through of what it’s like to apply for grants via grant proposal writing. You get to review each section of the grant proposal separately and conveniently go through the application process. If you follow this grant proposal template to the letter, we are confident...

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10 Successful Grant Writing Examples that Win Grants

What does it take to win a grant? This is the question that many people ask when they are trying to get funding for their project. There are many different factors, but one of the most important ones is the quality of your writing. If you have incredible writing skills and can create an interesting proposal, then it will be much easier to win grants.  Preparing a winning proposal may...

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Become a Great
Technical Writer


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Technical Writer Style Guide Examples 

A technical writer style guide contains the necessary style and formatting guidelines to develop consistent technical content that helps customers understand the product. Many organizations have publicly available technical writing style guides. In this article, we’ll share a curated list of technical writing style guide examples, allowing technical writers to better understand the various components of technical style guides. What is a Technical Writer Style Guide? A technical writer style...

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What is the Average Grant Writer Salary?

In the world of technical writing, you’ll find a lot of different writing formats and techniques. They all require a specific set of knowledge points that earn them a bigger salary than typical writers. In addition, some technical writers function as specialized grant writers, so the average grant writer salary is usually higher. According to popular salary reporting platforms Glassdoor, a grant writer’s salary lies between the $37,000 and $117,000...

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How to Become a Grant Writer without Experience

This article will take you through all the steps you need to take to succeed as a professional grant writer while also detailing why you should adopt a career as a grant writer. How to Become a Grant Writer: 6 Steps to Success There is no universal equation to follow to begin a career as a grant writer.  However, some ways will boost your experience and help kick-start your grant...

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How to Format a Grant Writer Resume [+with Examples]

You may be an accomplished grant writer with all the requisite skills, but can you format a grant writer resume? However, if you can’t make a compelling case for yourself, it won’t do you any good. Grant Writers need to be clear and have exemplary technical and creative writing skills, which should ultimately reflect in the grant writer resume you send over. Grant writers are an essential part of the...

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What is Process Documentation? 

Streamlining processes and making practical work more efficient is the focus of the global industry at the moment. Automation, machine learning, and Agile processes are at the center of this movement. However, in order to optimize a process, you need to clearly define and describe it first. This is where process documentation comes in.  In this article, we’ll go over what process documentation entails, how to write a process document, the benefits of having documented...

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4 Best Documentation Formatting Examples

The most important aspect of technical documentation is how it’s formatted. The format differs based on your industry and organization and what kind of documentation it is. Writers can do documentation formatting based on industry standards, examples, or templates. The best way to go about it is to use templates. However, every company works slightly differently and has different products. That’s why it’s best to use existing templates and documentation...

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What is User Documentation?

No matter how intuitive a product or service is, the end-users will always require some assistance. Assuming that your customers will figure it out on their own is a recipe for disaster. To that end, when selling any product – irrespective of the learning curve – companies must include user documentation. With the help of user documentation, businesses can deliver a great customer experience, cut down on customer care costs,...

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What Does a Documentation Specialist Do?

A document control specialist (or simply document specialist) is a professional who works under the administration department. They are responsible for document control procedures, looking after the precious documents of their company, cataloging them, and retrieving them when needed, among other things. Also a document control specialists create templates of project documents. Document control specialists can have different job titles in various companies or government agencies.  Document control specialist jobs...

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Best Technical Writing Books 2024

Whether you are an aspiring technical writer, a technical writer who is new to the field, or an experienced technical writer, books on technical writing written by experts can help you learn new skills and grow in your career. There are other avenues for learning about technical and professional communication, such as technical writing courses and training. However, books offer the following advantages not found in other avenues of learning:...

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