GUIDE 2024

How to Write a Technical Writer Cover Letter

Technical Writer HQ’s career guides help you step forward into a technical writing career. This article contains the best method to create a compelling technical writer’s cover letter. In the end, you will find some examples and a template for you to start. 

What is a Technical Writer Cover Letter?

A technical writer’s cover letter is a fundamental tool that strengthens your overall job application by showcasing your ability to create clear and concise documentation. It’s a precise but to-the-point document that showcases your most relevant expertise and skills as a technical writer.

A technical writer’s cover letter is crucial as it highlights your ability to make complex processes understandable. Don’t replicate the same content from your resume/application. The cover letter should contain your technical writing experience, tools, and expertise related to the job description. Use it to show the hiring manager that you are the best fit for the technical writer position and can add more value to the company.

A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting a Technical Writer Cover Letter

How to write a cover letter

Follow these guidelines and flow to curate an outstanding technical writer’s cover letter. Creating clear and concise technical documentation is crucial for enhancing user experience and product success. You can increase your chances of becoming a technical writer in ABC Company by:

A well-crafted cover letter can significantly impact one’s technical writing career, showcasing your experience, expertise, and skills relevant to the job description.

Research the Company

Researching the company helps you gain insights into job requirements and the company’s work culture. As a result, you can effectively tailor your cover letter and add the most relevant experiences and expertise that make you the best fit for a technical writer position. 

Customize Your Cover Letter

You should customize your cover letter following the job description. Don’t use the same cover letter for different job applications. This will make the recruiter think of you as an amateur candidate for the position and turn off the recruiter from further looking into your resume and documents. 

In addition, customization includes adding the most relevant expertise that the hiring manager will find interesting. 

Keep it to the Point.

Your cover letter should not exceed one page and must be simple. For example, use a clear/plain background, the font color must be black, and the font size and style must be standardized (Style: Calibri, Times New Roman – Size: 12). Avoid using fancy colors or fonts in your cover letter, as this will make you appear like a non-professional candidate. 

Add Relevant Skills & Experience

Focus on adding your most relevant skills to the cover letter. Highlight your ability to translate complex technical concepts and other technical ideas into clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation.

Emphasize the importance of creating user-centric documentation to improve user engagement and empower support teams with the necessary knowledge.

Add the exact skills and experiences that excite the recruiter and complement the job description. If you don’t have professional experience as a technical writer but have the required skill set, highlight your credentials, certifications, and internship experiences to make your cover letter valuable.

Proofread and Edit

Be careful while finalizing your cover letter. Before submission, ensure to edit any grammar, spelling, or structural issues you encounter in your cover letter. This is an essential step as your cover’s structural and language perfection will highlight your attention to detail quality to the hiring manager. 

You can seek help from your friends, family, or colleagues to proofread your cover letter, or you can use online tools such as Grammarly to double-check your work.

Highlight Achievements with Metrics

Incorporate specific examples of your accomplishments, including statistics and metrics, to add credibility to your cover letter. Show how your work positively impacted previous employers or projects. You can also include any work you may have done as a freelance technical writer.

What is the Objective of a Technical Writer Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a fundamental document that guides the recruiter in shortlisting the best candidates for the interviews. In addition, a strong cover letter will encourage the hiring manager to review your complete application, including your resume, which increases your chances of selection.

Your cover letter must be professional and showcase your technical writing skills and expertise. It should also demonstrate your ability to translate complex technical information into easy-to-understand content. Technical skills are crucial in achieving this, as they enable you to work independently, manage multiple projects, and highlight your passion for technology and user experience.

A professional and relevant to the job description cover letter interests the hiring manager to move your application further to the next round. Put your writing genius at work and curate a cover letter that tells a mesmerizing story about yourself.

Try answering these questions to create a great cover letter that makes your stand apart from other technical writers:

Do you think you are eligible for the technical writing position?

Evaluating your eligibility involves assessing your relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications against the job requirements. Reflect on your ability to meet these criteria and how your background aligns with the role. Highlight your strengths and any unique qualifications that make you a strong candidate.

Do you have a passion for technical writing?

Passion for technical writing is demonstrated through your enthusiasm for creating clear and simplifying complex information. This passion drives your commitment to continuous improvement and staying updated with industry trends. Showcasing your love for the field can make your cover letter more engaging and convincing.

Does the prospecting company interest you?

Interest in the prospective company shows that you have researched its mission, values, and products or services. This genuine interest indicates that you are serious about contributing to their success. Tailoring your cover letter to reflect this enthusiasm can make you stand out to hiring managers.

Do you have any technical expertise or knowledge?

Technical expertise or knowledge relevant to the position highlights your ability to handle complex information and tools. Mention any specific technologies, programming languages, or methodologies you are proficient in. This expertise reassures the hiring manager of your capability to perform the job effectively.

Do you have experience with any software tools?

Experience with relevant software tools demonstrates your practical skills in technical writing. Include examples of tools you have used, such as content management systems, documentation platforms, or diagramming software. This experience shows that you can efficiently utilize the tools necessary for the role.

Technical Writer Cover Letter Outline

Following is a general outline that will help you curate your technical writer’s cover letter.

  • Heading 
  • Recruiter’s details 
  • Greeting
  • Introductory paragraph 
  • Body 
  • Closing
  • Signature 

Technical Writer Cover Letter Sections Explained


Start the cover letter with your details, such as name, contact number, and address. In addition, you can add your LinkedIn, portfolio websites, and digital profile(s). 

Recruiter’s Details

Include the recruiter’s details, including name, designation, and company details, in this section. 


It’s ideal to address the recruiter by name. To do this read the job description carefully or search the company website. If you can’t find the recruiter’s name, you can address the recruiter using Dear Sir, Respected Sir, Respected HR Manager, or Dear Mr/Ms. 

Introductory Paragraph

This section highlights your cover letter and should include an engaging “hook” to catch the recruiter’s attention right from the beginning. An engaging hook includes your top skills, key competencies, ability to handle technical jargon, and years of experience working in the same or relevant role. A winning hook encourages the recruiter to read your complete resume and application.


This section contains most of the content from your cover letter. It includes your relevant strengths, competencies, and accomplishments for the technical writer role. Ensure that this section doesn’t exceed 2-3 short paragraphs. Focus on adding the most relevant information in this section. 

You can add examples of your accomplishments, including statistics and metrics, to add more authority to your cover letter. Ensure to add the experiences you think will add value to the job description and the company. 


Share the “call to action” for the recruiter in this section, including your contact number. This helps the recruiter get in touch with you to discuss the requirements. 


Include “Best Regards,” a digital signature, and your name at the end. You can sign the cover letter by hand if you are sending the job application in hard copy format. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Technical Writer Cover Letter

1. Using Generic Cover Letters

Using a generic cover letter significantly diminishes your chances of standing out to hiring managers. When you fail to personalize your cover letter for each job application, you miss the opportunity to demonstrate your genuine interest in the specific role and company. Instead of addressing the unique needs of the job, a generic letter comes across as impersonal and uninspired.

2. Repeating Resume Content

Repeating resume content in your cover letter wastes valuable space and time. Your cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. Instead of listing your job experiences and skills again, use the cover letter to provide context and stories that highlight your accomplishments.

Describe specific projects where you made significant contributions and explain how your skills helped achieve positive outcomes. This approach not only keeps your cover letter engaging but also provides a deeper insight into your professional background, demonstrating your ability to effectively communicate complex information.

3. Writing Overly Lengthy or Complex Letters

Writing overly lengthy or complex cover letters can overwhelm hiring managers and reduce the impact of your application. Hiring managers often have limited time to review applications, so a concise, well-structured cover letter is more likely to be read thoroughly. Aim to keep your cover letter to one page, focusing on the most relevant experiences and skills.

Use clear, straightforward language and avoid unnecessary jargon. By keeping your cover letter concise and to the point, you ensure that your key qualifications and enthusiasm for the role stand out.

4. Failing to Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences

Failing to highlight relevant skills and experiences can make your cover letter ineffective. A cover letter should clearly show how your background aligns with the job requirements. Instead of providing a general overview of your career, focus on the specific skills and experiences that match the job description.

For example, if the job requires proficiency in certain technical writing tools or methodologies, mention your experience with those tools and provide examples of how you have used them successfully in past projects. This targeted approach makes it easier for hiring managers to see your suitability for the role.

5. Neglecting to Proofread and Edit

Neglecting to proofread and edit your cover letter can lead to avoidable mistakes that undermine your professionalism. Typos, grammatical errors, and formatting issues can create a negative impression, suggesting that you lack attention to detail. To avoid this, carefully review your cover letter multiple times before submitting it.

Use tools like Grammarly to catch common errors, and consider asking a friend or colleague to review it for additional feedback. A polished, error-free cover letter demonstrates your commitment to quality and your suitability for a technical writing role, where precision and clarity are paramount.

Technical Writer Cover Letter Examples

Example # 1

Technical writer cover letter example 1

Example # 2

Technical writer cover letter example 2

Technical Writer Cover Letter Template

Technical writer cover letter template


A well-crafted technical writer’s cover letter is crucial for a successful job application. It highlights your skills in creating clear and concise documentation, showcases your passion for the field, and demonstrates your fit for the role.

By researching the company, customizing your cover letter, highlighting relevant skills, and proofreading carefully, you can create a compelling document that stands out. Use the provided examples and template as a guide. Keep your cover letter concise, professional, and tailored to the job you are applying for. Good luck in your technical writing career!


How do I tailor my cover letter to a specific job application?

To tailor your cover letter, start by thoroughly reading the job description and researching the company. Identify the key skills and experiences the employer is seeking. In your cover letter, address these specific requirements by highlighting your relevant achievements and how they align with the job.

Mention the company’s name and reference unique details about their products, services, or culture to show that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in the role.

What should I include in the introductory paragraph of my cover letter?

The introductory paragraph should grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the cover letter. Start with a strong opening sentence that highlights your enthusiasm for the position.

Introduce yourself briefly and mention the job title you are applying for. Include a compelling reason why you are interested in the role and the company, and briefly touch on your most relevant qualifications.

How can I effectively showcase my technical writing skills in my cover letter?

To effectively showcase your technical writing skills, provide specific examples of your work. Describe projects where you created clear, concise documentation that helped users understand complex processes or products.

Mention any relevant tools and software you have used, such as content management systems, diagramming tools, or authoring software. Highlight any metrics that demonstrate the impact of your work, such as improved user satisfaction or reduced support requests.

How important is proofreading my cover letter, and what are the best practices for doing so?

Proofreading your cover letter is crucial because it demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to quality, both essential traits for a technical writer. Best practices for proofreading include reading your cover letter multiple times, using spell-check tools like Grammarly, and having a trusted friend or colleague review it for you.

Take breaks between proofreading sessions to approach the document with fresh eyes, and read it aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or errors you might have missed.

Josh Fechter
Josh is the founder of Technical Writer HQ and Squibler, a writing software. He had his first job in technical writing for a video editing software company in 2014. Since then, he has written several books on software documentation, personal branding, and computer hacking. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.