GUIDE 2024

What Does a UX Writer Do?

A UX writer researches users and drafts microcopies for digital products, such as mobile applications and websites, according to gathered customer data to enhance user experience.

Small pieces of text are microcopies. As the interface content is small and compact, thus such content is called a microcopy.

Keep in mind that UX writing microcopies are not generic copywriting copies. Copywriting means writing copies to convert sales, while UX writing targets a good user experience as it helps a user navigate successfully through digital interfaces and multiple platforms.

A UX writer also writes copy for user interfaces, including error messages, notification content, landing pages, and navigation guides.

A user interface is a digital interface of an application or a website that a user interacts with to perform an action.

When it comes to obtaining a good customer experience, a UX writer encounters various factors, such as user interface, user experience design, customer needs, business goals, and content strategies.

In addition to that, UX writers tend to have a good understanding of UX/UI design. Hence, they write cohesive product narratives that are user-centered to drive more leads.

The above-mentioned duties are not even a pinch of user experience writers’ main job duties. That is why we have composed this article for you to completely understand the day-to-day tasks of a UX writer.

To understand UX writers’ duties and writing skills, let’s dive into a detailed section.

If you want to learn more via video, watch the video below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

UX Writer’s Role and Responsibilities

User experience writers dive into users’ minds and conduct user research to understand how they interact with digital products and navigate through a product. This thorough research also enables a UX writer to examine ways to improve the customer’s digital experience.

Building a strong UX writer’s portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and past work, including samples, case studies, and examples of creative problem-solving.

A well-crafted UX writer’s portfolio is significant in the UX industry as it demonstrates your ability to handle various UX writing tasks and highlights your expertise through concrete examples. Similar to a UX design portfolio, a UX writer’s portfolio should include detailed examples and case studies that showcase your skills and clear understanding of writing copy, improving existing content, and creating new UX content.

Aspiring UX writers are encouraged to build their own portfolios to present their capabilities and creative solutions effectively.

A comprehensive UX writer’s portfolio should also include solutions for existing products, demonstrating your ability to create effective content for real-world applications. Additionally, numerous resources are available for building an appealing portfolio without coding, making it accessible to everyone.

Practicing UX writing through courses and real-world experience is crucial to developing the necessary skills and knowledge, including understanding grammar, readability, and tone in the context of UX design.

Pursuing courses that cater to individuals who intend to practice UX writing and gaining practical experience in roles like copywriting, technical writing, and UX design can provide valuable opportunities to practice UX writing.

Thus, a UX writer is required to build a thorough understanding of a customer’s desires and needs. Later, they use this data in the development of a digital product. UX writers often follow guidelines laid out by a content strategist and may be involved in shaping the overall content strategy for a product while maintaining optimal user flow.

Understanding these responsibilities can be particularly beneficial for aspiring UX writers looking to enter the field. Only in this way can a product’s aim resonate with customer needs and business goals. UX writers research a product’s challenges.

Each digital product clearly aims to achieve a specific goal, and certain challenges accompany achieving this goal. A UX writer must overcome these challenges to ensure a better customer experience.

Furthermore, one of the biggest challenges in UX writing is matching the content with different personas and making it more generic yet powerful. Becoming a UX writer means that you should be able to pick different mindsets with different knowledge levels and later compose the microcopies with a language and technical proficiency suitable for personas of all kinds.

UX writing involves many job requirements and technicalities, so it is better to divide the duties of user experience writers into sections for better comprehension.

Here is the list of responsibilities of a UX writer:

1. Analyze the Target Audience

User experience writers compose copies of a digital product. These copies include crafting the error message, text on buttons, menu lists and push notifications.

For effective writing, they must analyze who the target audience is, and what are their needs. Understanding the target audience is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to become a UX writer.

Gathering user feedback is crucial for understanding the audience’s needs and refining the product accordingly.

To do this, a UX writer considers the audience’s values and researches the demographics. They acquire a sound knowledge of the audience’s geographic location to develop a user persona.

To identify the audience, a UX writer goes through this set of questions:

  • What is the product need?
  • What are product goals?
  • Am I effectively communicating my product content with the audience?
  • What kind of users will value my product?
  • Am I following the market trends?

Thorough research on these questions allows a UX writer to successfully identify the target audience. This research also helps user experience writers better understand the product goals, as they now view them from the user’s point of view.

Once they analyze the audience, they focus on what they seek in a digital product. Furthermore, this audience identification opens ways to develop a digital product that is more user-centered.

2. Conduct User Research

After user experience writers identify their product’s target audience, they focus on researching users.

UX research involves researching answers to these queries:

  • When can users feel the need to use this product?
  • What problems do they face, and how do these problems affect them?
  • Will a product efficiently help users?
  • What is the level of importance of problems users encounter?
  • What is the best solution to overcome the user’s problems?
  • How can you optimize the problem solution in terms of both users’ needs and business goals?
  • What’s the expertise level of users and their geographic location?
  • What is the age range for the major audience?

Usability testing is a common research method used to understand user needs and vocabulary.

After UX writers acquire answers to these questions, they must acquire the user understanding and how they interact and navigate a digital product.

This research opens ways to develop a product that is not just user-centered but also leads to better sales and conversions. Furthermore, this way, UX writers think from both the user’s and the business’s perspective.

Moreover, UX research enables user experience writers to understand customer needs. Hence, they come up with creative ideas that benefit the organization.

3. Provide Ideas for Microcopy

After analyzing the target audience and conducting research, the most necessary step is to iterate multiple product microcopies.

Practicing UX writing through courses and real-world experience is essential for creating effective microcopy.

Never think that product interfaces are written in just a single slap. Instead, the contents are iterated multiple times before going with the final option.

Thus, a button can only contain a single phrase, but there are no doubt multiple approaches to writing its content.

A UX writer drafts multiple copies for a single option/button. They merge the data collected from research into their writing to drive cohesive product narratives. With this data, they iterate multiple times for a single microcopy.

Keep in mind that UX writers carry out these iterations with the assistance of the product design team. UX design is as important in UX writing as microcopy is for a good user experience. Thus, user experience writers work along with UX designers to accomplish this hurdle.

Apart from the UX designer’s assistance, a content strategist plays an important role in this step. Sometimes, a UX writer has to play the role of content strategist and UX designer at the same time. Although these roles are not officially granted, as you know, UX writing also involves presentation skills and familiarity with multiple skills.

Considering different aspects of UX designers and content strategists, a UX writer drafts microcopies in multiple ways. This can also include multiple design options for each iteration; thus, the spectrum of final choice is broad.

The final choice for a microcopy depends on whatever iteration helps the users most and follows the business and product goals. Hence, the winning choice has to undergo various tests to cross-check target goals.

4. Refine the Copies and their Iterations

UX writer’s job duties include refining written copies. Building a strong UX writer’s portfolio is essential, and refining copies plays a crucial role in showcasing your skills. A UX writer’s portfolio should contain samples and past work specific to UX writing, demonstrating your ability to create solutions for existing products and effectively use online platforms to build your portfolio.

It should also include case studies and examples of creative problem-solving to highlight your expertise. Additionally, resources are available to help you build an appealing portfolio without coding.

A well-crafted UX writer’s portfolio is significant in the UX industry as it provides tangible proof of your skills and experience. Similar to a UX design portfolio, it should showcase your ability to handle various projects and your approach to user-centered design.

Encouraging readers to build their own portfolios with examples and case studies will help them stand out in the competitive field of UX writing. They proofread the written copies and check for correctness, clarity, conciseness, and comprehension.

In addition, user experience writers proofread the microcopies for any grammatical mistakes or typos. Since UX writing uses technical writing rules, they avoid technical jargon and passive voice sentences.

Furthermore, the copies are refined to be readable by users of all ages and with technical proficiencies.

Continuous improvement is crucial, and an ongoing evaluation content strategy ensures that content remains effective by assessing and modifying it according to user interactions.

Sometimes, the written copies are sent to a third person to analyze. This analysis is made to catch the initial impressions. A user experience writing microcopy passes if the impressions are normal or positive. On the other hand, if the impressions are confusing,, that specific iteration is rejected.

Now you’d understand why there was the need for multiple iterations. Hence, a UX writer has to follow precautionary measures like these to avoid any repetitive tasks.

Refining is not solely for written copies but also for UX designs. Hence, the design process is refined and checked multiple times before it is finalized.

This UX refinement task is also among UX writers’ duties, as we have said before that UX writing is a multi-skill field. UX writers check whether the microcopies and UX design resonate with the brand voice. Based on this check, a design or copy is refined to make it more user—and business-centered.

Conduct Tests and Gather User Feedback

Just as UX research leads to identifying product aspects, testing leads to a focused product. This requires UX writers to conduct quality assurance tests before launching a product and work alongside the development and marketing teams to ensure that the product is intuitive, especially for first-time users.

to ensure that the product meets the needs of the target audience and is

QA testing identifies the product issues and bugs. Thus, this user testing leads to a successful product launch without any technical, writing, or design process issues.

Apart from QA testing, UX writers are responsible to conduct A/B testing as well. A/B testing involves the judgment of various iterations. The different iterations UX writer composed are beta-tested initially to check the response of visitors.

The iteration and copy that drives more impact and business metrics is a winning choice. A/B testing also checks the design and content of various control buttons with variations.

Thus, UX writers conduct these tests on prototypes before they officially launch a product in the market. Conducting these tests and gathering feedback can significantly impact career growth and earnings, including the potential for a higher UX writer salary.

These tests ensure how well a product works. In this step, the UX writers forward the prototypes to SME(s) and stakeholders to get their thoughts on the product.

After the results of these tests are gathered, the calculated metrics are merged into the final decision.

6. Prepare Prototypes and Review them

As discussed earlier, the prepared prototypes are launched in the market to only a small group of users who volunteer to be beta testers. But keep in mind that this launch is not the official launch.

This initial launch is just to test and review the product.

The UX writing process involves designing microcopy, conducting research, running tests, and maintaining documentation. This way, the UX writer notes down the identified issues. They also notice how a product can be improved.

Beta testers review these prototypes and inform any issues they faced in the product usage.

UX writers examine the final issues and make improvements. After the final edits are made, the UX writers forward the final prototype to SME(s) and stakeholders for their approval.

Later, when the product is finalized, it is sent for publishing purposes.

These are the typical duties of a UX writer, as we have mentioned above. Remember that the above-mentioned duties are generic, while the specific tasks vary from day to day.

Our UX writing certification allows you to master all fundamental skills so you can refer to yourself as an expert UX writer. Don’t forget to enroll after checking out the detailed outline and contents for this course:

What do UX Writers Write?

By now, you’ll have established an understanding of the generic duties of a UX writer. But you must be wondering what UX writing creates and what these microcopies are.

A UX writer creates various types of content, including microcopy for web experiences and products. This includes crafting menus, labels, error messages, and chatbots while maintaining a balance between the brand’s voice and user comprehension.

A UX writer collaborates with product management, technical writers, content strategists, and content designers to write copy and draft microcopies for apps of various technology companies. Many companies offer writing jobs to hire their own UX writer to enhance web experiences.

The microcopies vary in nature. Here’s a list of copies UX writers mostly write. A UX writer:

  1. Writes error messages
  2. Composes CTAs
  3. Drafts prompt messages
  4. Writes onboarding instructions
  5. Prepares landing pages
  6. Draft settings and buttons content
  7. Composes pop-ups and push notification’s content

These are the list of examples of content UX writers mostly work upon. It is a mandatory requirement for UX writers to ensure consistency in brand voice. In addition to that, UX writers ensure a professional writing tone, consistent voice, and content flow.

We can wrap up the conversation by saying that UX writing is not a focused role. In fact, it is a multi-skill role in which the writer must ensure user-centered design and efficient content design.

If you are new to this field, we recommend you opt for a UX writing course to enhance your skills and job growth. This way, you can polish your skills and enhance your learning.

Dedicated UX writers have excellent communication and soft skills. They work along with product managers and the UX design team. A UX writer follows the brand process in their typical job duties.

So, if you think you have the desired skills and can fulfill the above-mentioned tasks efficiently, you should apply for UX writing positions. But make sure you read the complete job description before submitting your application.


Here are some frequently asked questions about user experience writing.

How does UX writing differ from copywriting?

Copywriting focuses on creating content that converts sales and promotes products, whereas UX writing aims to improve the user experience by helping users navigate through digital interfaces smoothly. UX writing is more about usability and clarity than persuasion.

What are some common tools used by UX writers?

UX writers often use tools such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Google Analytics, and various content management systems (CMS) to draft, edit, and test their microcopies. They may also use collaboration tools like Slack and Asana to coordinate with other team members.

What is the role of user personas in UX writing?

User personas represent the target audience and their characteristics. UX writers use personas to tailor their microcopy to meet the specific needs, behaviors, and pain points of different user groups, ensuring that the content is relevant and effective.

How can A/B testing benefit UX writing?

A/B testing allows UX writers to compare different versions of microcopy to see which one performs better. By testing variations, they can optimize content for clarity, engagement, and overall effectiveness, leading to improved user experiences and higher conversion rates.

What is microcopy, and why is it important?

Microcopy refers to the small pieces of text found in digital interfaces, such as buttons, error messages, and instructional text. It is important because it guides users through a product, helping them understand what actions to take and providing clarity in their interactions.

How can a UX writer measure the success of their microcopy?

A UX writer can measure the success of their microcopy by tracking user engagement metrics, such as click-through rates, task completion rates, and user satisfaction scores. Conducting usability tests and gathering user feedback also provide insights into the effectiveness of the content.

 If you are new to UX writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our UX Writing Certification Course, where you will learn the fundamentals of being a UX writer, how to dominate UX writer interviews, and how to stand out as a UX writing candidate.